Used by the PhpMyCellScript interpreter to wrap the actual exception.
Located in /PhpMyCellScript/PmcsException.php (line 11)
Exception | --PmcsException
Get the inner exception.
Get the name of the instruction which throws the inner exception.
Get the row number of the instruction which throws the inner exception.
Get the name of the sheet where the inner exception is thrown.
Inherited From Exception (Internal Class)
constructor __construct ( [$message = ], [$code = ], [$previous = ] )
getCode ( )
getFile ( )
getLine ( )
getMessage ( )
getPrevious ( )
getTrace ( )
getTraceAsString ( )
__clone ( )
__toString ( )
Documentation generated on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:43:49 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3