Class PmcsException


Used by the PhpMyCellScript interpreter to wrap the actual exception.

Located in /PhpMyCellScript/PmcsException.php (line 11)

Method Summary
PmcsException __construct (Exception $inner_exception, string $sheet_name, string $instruction_name, int $row_number)
Exception getInnerException ()
string getInstructionName ()
int getRowNumber ()
string getSheetName ()

Inherited Variables

Inherited from Exception (Internal Class)

Constructor __construct (line 37)


PmcsException __construct (Exception $inner_exception, string $sheet_name, string $instruction_name, int $row_number)
  • Exception $inner_exception: The inner exception.
  • string $sheet_name: The name of the sheet where the inner exception is thrown.
  • string $instruction_name: The name of the instruction which throws the inner exception.
  • int $row_number: The row number of the instruction which throws the inner exception.

Redefinition of:
Exception::constructor __construct ( [$message = ], [$code = ], [$previous = ] )
getInnerException (line 48)

Get the inner exception.

  • return: The inner exception.
Exception getInnerException ()
getInstructionName (line 64)

Get the name of the instruction which throws the inner exception.

  • return: The name of the instruction which throws the inner exception.
string getInstructionName ()
getRowNumber (line 72)

Get the row number of the instruction which throws the inner exception.

  • return: The row number of the instruction which throws the inner exception.
int getRowNumber ()
getSheetName (line 56)

Get the name of the sheet where the inner exception is thrown.

  • return: The name of the sheet where the inner exception is thrown.
string getSheetName ()

Inherited Methods

Inherited From Exception (Internal Class)

constructor __construct ( [$message = ], [$code = ], [$previous = ] )
getCode ( )
getFile ( )
getLine ( )
getMessage ( )
getPrevious ( )
getTrace ( )
getTraceAsString ( )
__clone ( )
__toString ( )

Documentation generated on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:43:49 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3